Des Sources Wind Project

Located in the municipalities of Danville, Saint-Georges-de-Windsor and Wotton, Quebec.

Des Sources Wind Project is developed by BluEarth Renewables, a Canadian renewable energy producer. The project is located in the Des Sources RCM and in the ancestral territory of the W8banaki Nation, the Ndakina. With a planned capacity of 150 MW, it anticipates a 50% community ownership, reflecting BluEarth’s commitment to engage closely with local communities.

Energy produced is intended for use in Québec and would provide enough clean, renewable energy for over 27,000 homes annually.




Between 26 and 35 wind turbines


Up to 150 MW

Project Location:

The study zone is located on private land in the town of Danville and the municipalities of Saint-Georges-de-Windsor and Wotton, all within the MRC des Sources and the ancestral territory of the W8banaki Nation, the Ndakina.

Developed by:

Who We Are

Founded in Calgary in 2010, BluEarth Renewables is a leading independent power producer that acquires, develops, builds, owns and operates wind, hydro, solar and storage facilities across North America.

Our portfolio is well diversified across technologies and geographies and includes over 1 GWAC (gross) in operation, under construction and contracted pre-construction, and over 7 GW of high-quality development projects that are actively being advanced. To learn more about our approach, please click here. A one-page overview of BluEarth approach to development is also available here (French) and here (English).

Our Key Consultants:

We are mindful of the unique Québec context and partner with local firms to support and guide us during the project development phase. They will work actively with us in the community throughout the process.

Since the beginning of the development phase of the Des Sources project, we have been assisted by Montréal-based firm Plan A Capital. Established in 2014, Plan A provides support to numerous clients in the renewable energy sector and has co-developed the Dune-du-Nord wind park as well as initiated the Grosse-Île, both located in Îles-de-la-Madeleine.

Project Development

With decades of experience, we have a team of internal experts to take projects from conception and make them a reality. Our team works in close consultation with government agencies and key stakeholders to site, build and operate our facilities responsibly.

Development work began on this Project in 2023. Since then, we have been actively advancing development activities and stakeholder engagement. The project is in the pre-feasibility and consultation phase of development and we are currently evaluating the study area and reviewing and optimizing the project design presented in 2023.

We are also awaiting the launch of Hydro-Québec’s next request for proposals, as well as the outcomes of the MRC des Sources’ information and consultation process.

The timeline below shows a preliminary schedule of the major stages in the development of Des Sources Wind Project.

Project Infrastructure

The project includes the installation and construction of wind turbines, a substation, electricity collection networks, and roads. It aims to interconnect with Hydro-Québec’s transmission network at a voltage of 230 kV. Project construction will also include road improvements, road construction, and geotechnical studies.

  • Siting of turbines will comply with local bylaws (at least 500 m from houses and 2 km from villages and cities) and positioning of infrastructure will be done in collaboration with landowners and the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec (CPTAQ).
  • Land footprint used for each turbine is around 1 ha during construction and around 0.02 ha during operations. More than 95% of the area around the wind turbine returned to cultivation.
  • If the Project is selected in a future Hydro Quebec request for proposals, construction could begin in 2027 or 2028, with commercial operation of the Project no earlier than 2028.
The diagram below show the various components of a wind facility:

Information and Consultation Process

BluEarth is committed to engaging stakeholders and community members in the decision-making process for our projects and working together with honest and transparent communications.  Our team is available by phone or email to answer any questions you may have. You can also make an appointment with members of our team to discuss the development of the project by contacting us by e-mail (

Our last open house took place in August 2023 and was intended to allow the community to learn more about the Des Sources Wind Project and to provide their feedback. The materials shared at this meeting can be found in the ‘Resources’ section below.

We will continue to organize public consultation sesions in the community throughout development, to answer citizens’ questions and consult them on the project. Public consultations will help us modify the project to meet the community’s concerns, while respecting the project’s technical constraints. 

Email us at to sign up to our newsletter to get the latest updates on the Des Sources project and information about Open Houses.

Local Community Benefits

For each of our projects, we are committed to giving back to the communities where we operate. During the development of all BluEarth projects, we establish a fund to ensure that these communities directly benefit from the proposed project. Wind energy projects, such as the Des Sources Project, have the potential to generate significant economic and social benefits in a variety of ways.

  • Municipalities: $930,000* yearly minimal income for participating municipalities
  • Community partners: equal share in profits from the wind project
  • Landowners: $1M* yearly total compensation for landowners hosting wind farm-related infrastructure and those who signed options
  • Local job creation: 160 to 190* temporary jobs during construction and 6-10* stable jobs during operation
  • Local economy: Support for local economy and sourcing from regional companies for products and services
  • Community engagement: support to local projects and initiatives and BluEarth Scholarship Program
  • Clean energy: Direct contribution to Québec’s energy transition

*Estimated, based on a 150 MW project.

Land and Environmental Considerations

BluEarth prioritizes environmental protection. We will complete extensive environmental studies within the Project area to understand the existing environmental conditions and inform the design of the Project, as well as the mitigation measures that will be used to minimize and/or avoid impacts to environmental features during the construction, operation, and decommissioning of the Project.

We continue to evaluate the project study area in terms of various constraints and implementation standards, such as setbacks from the urban perimeter, residences and infrastructure (roads, paths, power lines, etc.) and UPA/HQ Terms of Reference for the siting of Wind farms on Agricultural land. We must also consider environmental constraints, such as wildlife habitats, wetlands and watercourses.

In addition, we are continuing to evaluate the study area with the results of technical studies (wind turbine models and suppliers, wind measurements, roughness and topography of the territory, wind turbine wake effects, Hydro-Québec exploratory studies for grid connection, etc.).

All development phases of the project will comply with the regulations and guidelines set by Québec’s governmental and regulatory bodies, as well as adhere to the standards of Hydro-Québec and the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec (CPTAQ), ensuring a balanced approach that respects both ecological integrity and community well-being.

News and Updates

In early 2024, our new office officially opened its doors at 263, 1st Avenue, right in the vibrant heart of Val-des-Sources. This marks a significant milestone for us as we plant our roots firmly within your community, ready to grow and thrive together.

Contact Us

We are committed to the sustainable development of the Des Sources Wind Project in Saint-Georges-de-Windsor, Wotton, and Danville. Our approach is deeply rooted in respecting and understanding community needs and concerns. As we develop this project, your insights are crucial for guiding our plans and contributing to the local community’s growth.

We value your feedback and assure you of the confidentiality of your personal information. Regular updates on community input and its impact on the project will be communicated through our website and various communication channels.

For inquiries, contact us at or 819-866-0056.


BluEarth Renewables and Plan A Capital wish to develop this project in consultation with citizens. We hosted two evenings of public consultations for stakeholders to learn more about the proposed project on August 29 and August 30. Materials from these meetings can be found below.

Open House Ad (August 2023) Building a Wind Facility Fact Sheet Information Boards (August 2023)

An update on the Des Sources Wind Project can be found here: English and French.